Yesterday released a new video of
breath-taking length of two hours. And it is so far the best description of
reality or absolute infinity that I have ever come across.
If you are seriously interested in enlightenment I encourage
you to invest the time and listen to it. And commit to trying to understand
everything he is saying. If you have not yet had an enlightenment experience,
than this is probably close to impossible to grasp. But in case you have had
such an experience, you will notice how beautifully accurate Leo’s description
of reality is.
For me this video had the effect of bringing back bits and
pieces of memories from my enlightenment experience which I had forgotten. Or
could not possibly articulate or make sense of this. His descriptions are so
complete and are absolutely obvious in the light of absolute infinity.
It even makes logical sense. And that is the beauty. Before
hearing this, I was thinking I could not make logical sense of it. But after
contemplating what he said and listening to it twice, I have to say, I can not
come up with anything to dismiss his arguments. It obviously cannot be any
other way.
Reality has to be absolutely infinite, otherwise it could
not exist at all. If it was not infinity, it would mean there must be something
outside of it which constrains it. But then this constrain is a part of reality
again. And so it goes on forever. Reality HAS to include everything. Not just
what is possible but also everything that is impossible. It is so incredibly
mind-bending than we can only be humble and infinitely thankful.
There is still something my ego just does not quite want to
accept. And that is the fact that “I” do not exist in this infinite
groundlessness. Nor does anyone or anything else. From the grand perspective it
is all “me” and it is all one. The crazy thing is, if you are reading this, it
is not me the writer who is it, it is “you” the reader who is it. You are it
and no one else. That means from the perspective of the absolute self, I am all
of it and I am absolutely alone. Because there could not possibly be anything
else that is beyond this reality, which I am. Nothing is separate from it.
And as Alan Watts pointed out so beautifully: It is the game
of hide and seek, which god likes to play with itself.
I have to say I somehow miss the naïve childish notion of
referring to anything solid outside of oneself. But on the greater scheme this
realization is so liberating and really the only satisfying answer to the
search for truth in a sense.
If you have had a profound psychedelic experience, but you
cannot yet fully grasp what Leo is explaining in this video, realize that your
mind was not able to “remember” what you experienced during your trip. My
profound mushroom experience was four years ago. And since then I am working on
integrating what I have experienced. It is all still saved up somewhere in my
memory, but it takes serious work to integrate it into your world-view and to
make it accessible to the sober mind.
Currently I believe one such powerful trip might actually be
enough for a lifetime. And from there one it just takes work and practice to
integrate the experience. Although with this approach the likelihood is high
that you will just forget about it and never again bother to investigate it. In
my experience, taking small dosages of some psychedelic from time to time,
keeps the motivation high. Each time you get a small glimpse again of the
absolutely infinite, if you approach it with the right intent.
I have become incredibly sensitive to psychedelics. I can
access this infinite perspective on dosages where others do not even notice
anything. It all comes down to the intent with which you go into the experience.
I am currently experimenting with AL-LAD in slowing increasing dosages. It is
said to be warmer, more controllable and not as twisted and weird as the
As the mushroom experience was also so frightening towards
the end, I am still very hesitant to “become god” again. I think it was so
frightening because I had no conceptual knowledge of any of this when I went
into the experience.